Iā€™m a fashion design student who draws inspiration from the intersection of architecture, interior design, and nature. Raised in Cambodia and currently living between Boston and Phnom Penh, I infuse my designs with the minimalist elegance of clean lines and simplicity. My work often integrates playful elements, particularly through textured details like pleats, creating a dynamic balance between form and function. I favor a neutral color palette to evoke calm and refinement, with subtle accents of red or blue to add visual contrasts. My approach to fashion is a reflection of my cross-cultural experience- blending influences from two distinct environments, I aim to create designs that speak to universal ideas of space and form, while also embracing personal expression.


I strive to live with a minimalist approach, embracing modern simplicity while allowing room for playful creativity. My design journey is defined by a blend of sophistication with a sense of nostalgia, drawing from both my past and present experiences. I believe that true creativity comes from reflection, as my past and new experiences come together to inspire unique ideas. My goal is to create designs that invite others to view the world from a new perspective, balancing simplicity and complexity.

Artist Statement